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Brilliantly Done LLC



Getting funded is hard.  Even harder when you're wearing too many hats and without a proven
customer acquisition engine that scales. These are the problems we solve.

Crushing it for scaleups like these:


The mindset that got you here, won't get you there

Our Agile Growth System was built by and for technical founders like us to think and do different, lay the groundwork for sustainable scale, validate market fit with predictable deal flow, and position for top-tier investors.

Repeatable, simple to follow strategies that actually work 


Repeatable, simple to follow strategies that actually work 


Leads mean nothing if you can't close. We make sure you can


Leads mean nothing if you can't close. We make sure you can


Instead of missing opportunities, close more deals at scale 


Instead of missing opportunities, close more deals at scale 

Deal flow

Rapid market fit validation and predictable deal flow 

Deal flow

Rapid market fit validation and predictable deal flow 


Get out of sales, delegate, communicate, hold accountable


Get out of sales, delegate, communicate, hold accountable

Funding readiness

When ready, we'll help you position for top-tier investors

Funding readiness

When ready, we'll help you position for top-tier investors

Don't take just our word for it

"Working with Brilliantly has been an amazing experience.  I appreciate their ability to see the big picture, find opportunities for growth AND deliver.”

Paul D'Souza, CRO
Paul D'SouzaCRO, Ethos Telehealth

"You've opened my eyes to what's missing in our company, and approach.  I haven't seen the team this excited in a long time."

Michael Andrud CEO, Finresults
Michael Andrud CEO, FinResults & nFiniti

"Throughout my career in enterprise organization, I've worked with the biggest marketing firms... you guys blow them away."

Jacqueline Schaendorf
Jacqueline SchaendorfCo-Founder & COO, Cogitate

We are not contractors, we're your partner

If this sounds like you and you think you're ready, let's talk.

You have a minimum of $500K ARR and at least 2 referencable case studies
You are 100% committed to turnaround and getting funded in the next 12 months 
You've had traction with growing revenues but now stuck acquiring prospects and customers
You're trying to grow your business after contractors and agencies got you nowhere

We help build businesses that get funded.

Paul D'Souza, CRO
Jacqueline Schaendorf, COO
Michael Andrud, CEO

We don't do fluff. Just results.

We built Brilliantly to help you build a business that gets funded

"Do'er" to "Leader"

You're grinding every day to keep the dream alive. We show you how to stop doing that and win. 

Predictable growth

Typically, it takes around 90 days to reach predictable deal flow.  Faster or slower, we work at your pace. 

Results guarantee

When we are engaged to drive deal flow, we'll guarantee a monthly quota.  We miss, you don't pay. 

Costs savings

At our level of expertise, when you work with one of our brilliant experts, you're saving 60% or more in labor costs.

Budget conscience

We know your situation, we've been there.  You can work with us and gain access to the same tools and resources we use or, if you want to move faster we can do that too.

9.6 NPS

We're here to create lasting relationships and provide the best service possible.  Literally, your success is in fact our success too.

Why Brilliantly Done

I've been the principle behind two exits, raised $MM in capital, and worked with hundreds of technical founders just like you. 

When I was getting started, I wish someone had told me what I now know.  That's why I started Brilliantly Done -  to help technical founders like you grow, get funded, and thrive in business and life. 

Today, I work with a team who is really good at this stuff. We bring real-world tactics, an unbiased perspective, and a no bullshi*t approach to turn things around - we feel this approach is the most efficient way of giving back.  


How you turnaround and get funded

We spent years in the trenches and the tools, tactics, and frameworks used to build, grow, scale, and exit are the foundation of our Agile Growth System laid out below.  

01. Leadership


From day one, we develop a tailored strategy with clear goals, simple to follow tools and methods to transform your view on business and personal success. With our experts, you receive straightforward, unbiased mentorship and strong support to boost your confidence and lean into this new way of thinking and doing.


02. Operations


The key to attracting investment is repeatable and scalable strategies that produce sustainable, meaningful revenue growth. Leveraging sales and RevOps expertise, we help you make the most efficient use of people, tech, processes, and systems across the buyer’s journey for faster cycles, bigger deals. 

03. Revenue


To win in B2B, you have to establish trust and relevance with buyers.  We run a series of tailored workshops to carve out your brand story and unique niche.  Then, we run market sprints to refine and validate fit while you regain confidence and enjoy predictable deal flow, month over month.


04. Positioning for A-Round


Whatever round you're focused on next, raising capital from institutional investors is a complex, full-time endeavor, especially without the right knowledge. When you're ready, we simplify this process by helping you to refine your business model and financials, craft a compelling pitch deck, and guide you on effective investor engagement strategies.

Other questions we get asked from time to time

Who are you?

Brilliantly Done is a revenue company specializing in turnaround for technical founders who want to get out of sales and grow, get funded, and thrive in business and life. 

How are you different?

We are not contractors.  We come from tech startups just like yours and most of us started right where you are -- technical founders not realizing what we got ourselves into and struggling.  

If your goal is A-round, investors will focus on NRR (and or NDR).  Basically, can you get customers and keep them and are you spending more on getting them or keeping them?  Hmmm...

We are T-Shaped - experts in marketing, sales, revenue and business operations, and live by data-driven results.  and strategic operations with mad skills in building exceptional customer experiences through tech, processes, and systems across the customer journey (from strangers to loyal fans.) 

What is a CGO?

In short - CGOs are T-Shaped executives with mad marketing and SaaS operations skills who embrace data-led results, remove costly silos across the customer journey, fail-fast approaches, and instill customer-centric cultures to accelerate the top-line growth, while driving bottom-line efficiencies - meaningful, sustainable growth that ends in exit or IPO.

The rise of the Chief Growth Officer (CGO) began in Fortune 1000 companies around the same time Sean Ellis introduced the 'growth hack' and 'pirate funnel'.   CGOs are big-picture strategists skilled in aligning vision with what needs focus today.  Typically reporting directly to the CEO, CGOs focus on long-term customer relationships, SocialROI, and cross-functional alignment of all growth-lever teams and roles.   

Do you execute?

About 60% of our conversations with SaaS founders start with, "Do you execute?"

We live for it.  It's in our DNA only we do it better, faster.  We don't do boilerplate and we are not fans of the time-suck traditional marketing and strategy development presents. 

We listen, execute, learn, and repeat.  From just getting started thru enterprise-level leadership, execution is in our DNA.    

What's your pricing?

We built pricing for your unique situation which in human terms means you can simply engage us for coaching which opens the door for facetime with experts and access to the very tools and systems we use on a daily basis for one low monthly retainer. 

Or, you can also engage our subject matter experts  and teams for both done with you and done for you services.

Reach out to us and we're happy to tell you hard numbers and what to expect over the lifetime of our engagement.  

Questions we get a lot